Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Whew!  I'm finally done posting my first block for our BOM!  Enjoy!

Friendship Variation 1

12 ½ inch unfinished block

Cut 2 of each
5 inch squares of Color 1
5 inch squares of Color 2
Cut 4:
5 inch squares of white on white
Cut 1:
4 ½ inch square of white on white

1.      Make Half Square Triangles (HST): 

Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of each 5 inch white square.


Place one white 5 inch square on top of one blue square with right sides together.  Sew a scant ¼ inch on either side of the diagonal line.

Cut on the drawn line and press seams to dark side.  Trim to measure 4 ½ inches square.

2.        Sew half square triangles (and 4 ½ inch wow) together  in three rows using all scant 1/4" seams, as shown below.  Press seams in alternating directions by row.

To make a 9 inch block, cut squares to make HST 4 inches, then trim to 3 ½ inches square.
To make a 6 inch block, cut squares to make HST 3 inches, then trim to 2 ½  inches square.

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